Your Audio Loudness Matters
There is nothing more annoying than watching TV and suddenly hearing the volume shoot up during a commercial. Audio Loudness is one of the biggest common customer complaints, so much so that it is subject to legislation in many countries in North America, Europe, and Australia.
Regulatory bodies in many countries require broadcasters and television service providers (e.g., cable, satellite, and IPTV providers) to follow regulatory standards for measuring and controlling digital television signals.
- 24x7x365 loudness compliance recording
- Submit Loudness reports yearly
- Store data for at least 90 days in their system
- Support Audio Loudness compliance regulations, such as Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (CALM Act) Regulations and EBU R128 in Europe
- Support multiple audio channels -- Dolby AC-3, DDP, AAC
- Provide Audio Loudness measurements, such as dial norm and loudness range
- Alarms ad Logging for a period of time
To meet their compliance requirements, broadcasters want an affordable solution to monitor their services' audio loudness and meet the audio loudness requirements.
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Audio Loudness Monitoring and Logging
TeleSight Loudness Monitoring and Logging enables broadcast compliance monitoring based on the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (CALM Act) Regulations and derived from ATSC A/85, ITU BS.1770, and EBU R128 accordingly. TeleSight supports multiple sources, including IP, ASI, SDI, and RF. A single system can support up to 200 channels simultaneously. Audio Loudness measures include the Integrated, Short-term, and Momentary Loudness, Dialnorm, and Loudness Range.
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